جریان برشی
At the time, Liepmann had begun experimental studies on boundary layers, transition to turbulence, and various turbulent shear flows.
The 1930s had seen initial developments in documenting basic properties of what are now known as the 'canonical' turbulent shear flows.
By the early 1940s, after several of the canonical shear flows had been mea- sured and documented in terms of mean velocity and Reynolds stresses, at- tention began to turn to the distribution of scalar fields.
In the early 1940s, not much was known about distributions of passive scalars in turbulent shear flows.
He begins the short Journal of Aeronautical Sciences note with the statement that "The most significant idea contributed to the problem of turbulent shear flow in many years is the hypothesis of local isotropy due to Kolmogorov" (a statement
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